Become Our

Influencer / Spokesman / Affiliate


Influencer Program

Please note we are looking for people who have a follower base that would be interested in purchasing home-improvement equipment, chiefly video borescope inspection cameras. Therefore please consider if your niche is applicable. We are currently open to any form of influencer. I suggest quickly reading through all the questions first so you don’t have to repeat yourself.

Your information:
2. Which social media platform do you want to use? Ex. Facebook、Instagram or Youtube::
3. If you have more than 10k followers on your social media platform, would you be willing to run a giveaway for one of our cameras on your platform page. (Hint: While we will not decline all applicants that do not want to run a giveaway, but this is a fairly important strategy for us)::
4. Briefly describe your representation/influence on your social media platforms (including your niche):
Form heading:
5. Beside receiving free equipment, what do you expect out of this collaboration:
Pick an option:
6. Have you been sponsored or worked as an ambassador/influencer before? If yes, please elaborate::
7. We like to feature the people we sponsor on our social media pages though our weekly #LIFEINSUNDAY Spotlight. To do this we ask you to send us a few short videos which we will use in a story of you talking about yourself, explaining who you are or just you in your in your niche. Would you be prepared to do this:
8. Would you be interested to advertise a promo code on one of our products which gives your fans a discount and earns you some commission? We can supply you with a code that gives your followers 10% off and earns you 5% of the sale:
9. How do you intend of promoting SUNDAY:
10. Would you be willing to help us find dealers? If you can successfully convince a store (physical or online, but not Ebay or Amazon) to starting stocking our products, you will earn 3% commission on all purchases they make from us:
11. Do you want to create content for our social media, web page etc as well: